Acronyms are use throughout our general day. We often use acronyms without even thinking about it because we are talking with people who use our lingo, or should we say acronyms. This list should help you better understand what acronyms are used in the regards to deaf/hard of hearing.
AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
ABR - Auditory Brainstem Response
ACD - Assistive Communication Device
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
ALD - Assistive Listening Device
ASDC - American Society for Deaf Children
ASHA - American Speech - Language Hearing Association
ASL - American Sign Language
A-V - Auditory Verbal
AVT - Auditory Verbal Therapy
BAHA - Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid
BOA - Behavior Observation Audiometry
BTE - Behind the Ear
CASE - Conceptually Accurate Signed English
CC - Closed Captions
CFC - Child & Family Connections
CDC - Center for Disease Control
CHS - Chicago Hearing Society
CI - Cochlear Implant
CIL - Centers for Independent Living
CMV - Cytomegalovirus
CODA - Child of Deaf Adult
dB - Decibel
DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing
DSC - Designated Service Coordinator
DSCC - Division of Specialized Care for Children
DM - Digital Modulation assistive listening device
DT-H - Developmental Therapist - Hearing
EHDI - Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
EI - Early Intervention
EITP - Early Intervention Training Program
ENT - Ear, Nose & Throat or Otolaryngologist
FHSR - Foundation for Hearing and Speech Resources
FM - Frequency Modulation assistive listening device
GBYS - Guide By Your Side
HA - Hearing Aid
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HV - Hands & Voices
IATP - Illinois Assistive Technology Program aka "ILTech"
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDHHC - Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission
IEP - Individual Education Plan
IFSP - Individual Family Service Plan
ILHV - Illinois Hands & Voices
ILSB - Illinois Sound Beginnings
ISBE - Illinois State Board of Education
ISD - Illinois School for the Deaf
ISRC - Illinois Service Resource Center
ISVI - Illinois School for the Visually Impaired
JCIH - Joint Commission on Infant Hearing
LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
LSL - Listening and Spoken Language
NAD - National Association of the Deaf
NCHAM - National Center for Hearing Assessment and Managements
NCSA - National Cued Speech Association
OAE - Otoacoustic Emission
Part B - section of IDEA Law for age 3 - 22 with disabilities
Part C - section of IDEA Law for age birth - 3
ROE - Regional Office of Education
SEE - Signed Exact English
TC - Total Communication pertaining to Language
TOD - Teacher of the Deaf
TTY - Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
VP - Video Phone